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Seductions of Place : geographical perspectives on globalization and touristed landscapes
Year: 2005 Publisher: London, United Kingdom : Taylor & Francis,

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The seductiveness of touristed landscapes is simultaneously local and global, as travelled places are formed and reworked by the activities of diverse, mobile people, in their desires to experience situated, sensuous qualities of difference. Cartier and Lew's interesting and informative book explores contemporary issues in travel and tourism and human geography, and the complex cultural, political, and economic activities at stake in touristed landscapes as a result of globalization. This book assesses travel and tourism as simultaneously cultural and economic processes, through ideas about place seduction and the formation of landscapes. Throughout, examples are given from urban and environmental touristed landscapes, from major world cities to tropical islands, and chapter contributions include: an analysis of the representational character of landscape and the built environment historic constructions of place seduction the importance of class, racial, and gender dimensions of place how mobility and the seduction of place orient identity formation the environmental impacts of tourism economies. Broad in scope, this book is ideal for social scientists and humanists who are interested in contemporary debates about place studies, mobility, and the located realities of globalization.

Observer self-location ability and its relationship to cognitive orientation skills
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1979 Publisher: Alexandria, Virginia : U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences,

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A task-based analysis of information requirements of tactical maps
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 1979 Publisher: Alexandria, Virginia : U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences,

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Spatial Processing in Navigation, Imagery and Perception
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1280937505 9786610937509 0387719784 0387719776 1441944222 Year: 2007 Publisher: New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer,

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Spatial Processing in Navigation, Imagery and Perception serves as a state-of-the-art platform, on which the very latest developments in spatial processing are presented. Spatial processing is centrally involved in almost any cognitive function and the neural underpinnings of spatial functions are much more complex than they have been conceived before. Studying spatial processing helps to explore how basic cognitive functions operate such as language, attention, perception, movement control and mental imagery. The processing of spatial information is distributed in complex cortical and sub-cortical structures and we are now in a position to better understand the underlying neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. This is made possible by the advent of novel techniques such as structural and functional in vivo anatomy, modeling, and sophisticated behavioral research tools. Modern neuroscientific techniques have been in many ways the catalyst of this research but there is also a revival of behavioral methods used in studies on spatial processing. It is in fact the fruitful combination of both the neuroscientific and behavioral approaches why this exciting field has progressed so far and is still progressing for many years to come. Research on spatial processing is not only restricted to basic science but rather has important applied implications. It is tremendously important to know how the human brain is accomplishing spatial tasks in real life scenarios such as driving a car, orienting oneself in large scale cities, postural control or playing various sports like baseball, soccer or tennis. Moreover, knowing more about plasticity and training related influences on spatial functions will have a huge impact on how to efficiently insert new technologies in everyday life. The findings presented in Spatial Processing in Navigation, Imagery and Perception emerge from different disciplines such as cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, neuroanatomy, computer science and robotics. The reader will learn to see several connections across these disciplines. Chapter authors are the most respected and internationally renowned researchers in the field. This book will be useful for experimental scientists, clinicians and graduate students.

Emotion, space and society.
ISSN: 18780040 17554586 Year: 2008 Publisher: [Amsterdam] : Elsevier

Digital Spatial Infrastructures and Worldviews in Pre-Modern Societies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781802700794 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leeds : Arc Humanities Press,

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The study of medieval and early modern geographic space, literary cartography, and spatial thinking at a time of rapid digitization in the Humanities offers new ways to investigate spatial knowledge and world perceptions in pre-modern societies. Digitization of cultural heritage collections, open source databases, and interactive resources utilizing a rich variety of source materials—place names, early modern cadastral maps, medieval literature and art, Viking Age and medieval runic inscriptions—provides opportunities to re-think traditional lines of research on spatiality and worldviews, encourage innovation in methodology, and engage critically with digital outcomes. In this book, Nordic scholars of philology, onomastics, history, geography, literary studies, and digital humanities examine multiple aspects of ten large- and small-scale digital spatial infrastructures from the early stages of development to the practical applications of digital tools for studying spatial thinking and knowledge in pre-modern sources and societies.

Seductions of place : geographical perspectives on globalization and touristed landscapes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0415192188 0415192196 1280231602 0203645790 1134651880 9786610231607 9780415192194 1134651872 Year: 2017 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge,

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The seductiveness of touristed landscapes is simultaneously local and global, as travelled places are formed and reworked by the activities of diverse, mobile people, in their desires to experience situated, sensuous qualities of difference. Cartier and Lew's interesting and informative book explores contemporary issues in travel and tourism and human geography, and the complex cultural, political, and economic activities at stake in touristed landscapes as a result of globalization. This book assesses travel and tourism as simultaneously cultural and economic processes, through

Reading the country : 30 years on
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0648124223 9780648124290 9780648124283 0648124231 Year: 2019 Publisher: Broadway UTS ePRESS

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"Steeped in story-telling and endlessly curious, Reading the country: an introduction to nomadology (1984) was the product of Paddy Roe, Stephen Muecke and Krim Benterrak, experimenting with what it might be like to think together about country. In the process a senior traditional owner, a cultural theorist and a painter produced a text unlike any other. Reading the Country: 30 Years On is a celebration of one of the great twentieth-century books of intercultural dialogue. Recalling a spirit of intellectual risk and respect, in this collection, Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, poets, writers and publishers both acknowledge the past and look, with hope, to future transformations of culture and country."--Publisher's website.

Anthropology of Landscape : The Extraordinary in the Ordinary
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1911307436 9781911307464 9781911307433 9781911307488 9781911307471 1911307460 9781911307440 1911307444 1911307479 1911307487 1911307452 9781911307457 Year: 2017 Publisher: London : UCL Press,

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An Anthropology of Landscape tells the fascinating story of a heathland landscape in south-west England and the way different individuals and groups engage with it. Based on a long-term anthropological study, the book emphasises four individual themes: embodied identities, the landscape as a sensuous material form that is acted upon and in turn acts on people, the landscape as contested, and its relation to emotion. The landscape is discussed in relation to these themes as both ‘taskscape’ and ‘leisurescape’, and from the perspective of different user groups. First, those who manage the landscape and use it for work: conservationists, environmentalists, archaeologists, the Royal Marines, and quarrying interests. Second, those who use it in their leisure time: cyclists and horse riders, model aircraft flyers, walkers, people who fish there, and artists who are inspired by it. The book makes an innovative contribution to landscape studies and will appeal to all those interested in nature conservation, historic preservation, the politics of nature, the politics of identity, and an anthropology of Britain.

Das Imperium Romanum und seine Gegenwelten : Die geographisch-ethnographischen Exkurse in den "Res Gestae" des Ammianus Marcellinus
ISBN: 3110296934 3110297086 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Ammian gilt als der größte Historiker der Spätantike. Doch seine geographisch-ethnographischen Exkurse über Gallien, Ägypten, Persien und über nomadische Fremdvölker wie Sarazenen, Alanen und Hunnen wurden lange als imitierte Gelehrsamkeit und überflüssige Unterbrechung des Geschichtsverlaufs unterschätzt. In den klassischen Lehren der Rhetorik, der metaphorischen Lesung der Landschaften, der Konstituierung von Erinnerungsräumen und Gegenwelten zum Imperium Romanum deckt die Autorin den Schlüssel für das Verständnis des Gesamtwerks auf: Geschichtsverständnis und Diskurse über geographisches Wissen bedingen einander. Dadurch erscheint auch Ammians schriftstellerische Leistung in einem neuen Licht. So gewinnt der Leser einerseits eine Fülle von gesichertem Forschungswissen über die unbekannten ,Ränder der antiken Welt' und nimmt andererseits die Exkurse nicht länger als schmückendes Beiwerk der Haupthandlung wahr, sondern als sinnkonstituierende Partien innerhalb dieser.

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